This is all about invention, thanks to IIT Kanpur. It was honoured with the prestigious Best Assisted Technology Initiatives by Educational Institutes’ Award at the ATF (Assistive Technology Foundation) Awards 2023. Prof. Ankush Sharma heads the Technology Transfer Cell at IIT Kanpur under the Start-up Incubation &; Innovation Centre at IIT Kanpur. 

IIT Kanpur has also been honoured with the STEM Impact Awards 2024 for engaging in impactful technology transfer activities. IIT Kanpur has been bestowed these awards for the third consecutive time, in recognition of the socio-economic impact created by the technology transfer of the invention of a haptic smartwatch for the visually impaired. 

The Indian Express quotes S Ganesh, Director, IIT Kanpur, saying, “This prestigious award emphasises the expanding landscape of research and development at the institute, and we are delighted to receive recognition for the third time in a row. I congratulate Prof Siddhartha Panda and the team involved in the revolutionary development of the ‘Haptic Smart Watch for Blind and Visually Impaired’.  

Notably, this smartwatch was developed in 2022 by Prof Siddhartha Panda, Department of Chemical Engineering, and Coordinator, NCFlexE; and Vishwaraj Srivastava, from NCFlexE – an R&D Centre for Flexible Electronics at IIT Kanpur.

“The invention, as per IIT-K, is a cost-effective smart wearable device with a touch-sensitive tactile interface that displays information using vibrations. 

This makes it more suitable for private usage than audio-based output devices available in the market”, reports The Indian Express. The same report published in the Indian Express. Com on 06-02-2024 at 12:48 IST states this.

“This technology has been licensed to Ambrane India Pvt Ltd for mass manufacturing and sales. STEM (Society for Technology Management) is a non-profit organisation providing a facilitative environment for technology transfer processes and professional development of technology management professionals in life sciences, material sciences, IT, engineering, law, and others.”


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