Picture shows Jharkhand CM Raghubar Das inaugurating new houses for cops in Jamshedpur on August 26,2016.
The cops got a new housing buildings in Jamshedpur.
Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das inaugurated the new housing buildings near the police line in Jamshedpur.He also launched online as many as nine police stations there.
The CS said, his government is working to maintain law and order and bring peace to the people in Jharkhand.”Which is why we are trying to strengthen the infrastructure and providing modern facilities needed by them”,said the CM.
The CM said:”In the state, smart police stations are being created.In the first phase,these stations are being set up in Bokaro,Ranchi,Dhanbad and other places”.
“With these smart police stations,the policemen should become smart”,observed Das.The new housing buildings constructed by Jharkhand Police Housing Corporation at Golmuri in Jamshedpur on Friday.
Also,the CM planted saplings inside the Police line complex in Jamshedpur as part of his government green plantation drive launched by him on July 1,2016..