Dhanbad hit the headlines again today when a woman reached Sadar hospital to get the second dose of the anti-Corona vaccine. In the first dose, she was given Covaxin.
She suffered a set jab back on Friday, two days after Judge Uttam Anand was hit to death by a three-wheeler in Dhanbad on July 28.
Notably, she had shown the first dose receipt proving that she was given Covaxin a month ago. Shockingly, today she was given a jab of Covishield.
“ I am tense and depressed to receive Covaxin. I don’t know what will happen to me know”, she yelled as her family members and friends protested against this mistake inside the state government-run Sadar hospital in Dhanbad.
The Centre is on record saying that any “significant adverse effect is unlikely if the second dose of a different COVID-19 vaccine is administered.”
However, a doctor in Dhanbad opined that reaching “ a firm opinion on this will need more scrutiny and researched conclusion which is missing right now.”
In any case, the Union Health Department has clarified that both doses administered to an individual should be of the same vaccine as per the existing protocol.