Beware Mr Holders of currency notes of Rs 2000. All eyes of the regulators are on owners of the highest denomination circulated by the RBI after ‘Notbandi’ in the country.

As it is, Rs 2,000 denomination notes were not printed in 2019-20. As a result, the circulation of these notes has declined over the years, according to RBI's annual report.”It was a major denomination note for storage by the black money owners and bribe takers.No, more”, said a charted accountant in Ranchi. 

The report shows that the number of Rs 2,000 currency notes in circulation has come down from 33,632 lakh pieces at end-March 2018 to 32,910 lakh pieces at end-March 2019. More, it was down to 27,398 lakh pieces at end-March 2020, the same RBI report said.

The number of pieces of Rs 2,000 denomination notes constituted 2.4 per cent of the total volume of notes at end-March 2020, down from 3 per cent at end-March 2019 and 3.3 per cent at end-March 2018.

“In value terms also, the share has come down to 22.6 per cent at end-March 2020, from 31.2 per at end-March 2019 and 37.3 per cent at the end-March 2018”, said the RBI report.Alongside.the circulation of currency notes of denomination of Rs 500 and Rs 200 has gone up substantially.


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