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The seeds of war and threat to peace don’t reside in conventional and nuclear weapons of mass destruction.In fact,they are embedded in the very mind and soul of international actors.

An ego clash, mutual suspicion and fear of being dominated by others,often lead the modern nation states towards nucerization. Chemical, biological, or modern method of war are merely a bye-product of the cold war politics of the two super powers USA and the erstwhile USSR.

In an era of post-cold war, even the smaller states see their prospects of security against their adversaries in the possession of nuclear weapons. Pakistan, Iran ,Iraq, South Korea, Iraq, Israel, and even other small international actors have either clandestinely been successful or are on the threshold of developing weapons.

To establish a permanent word peace, India looks at her relationships with Pakistan and all other nuclear threshold nations in a global perspective.As such,she has been strongly opposing policy of Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty(NPT)or South Asians Nuclear Free Zone(SANWFZ) ,a so-called “Galbraith formula’’ of the five nuclear weapons states due to its discriminatory and biased nature.

At different international fora, India has been advocating prohibition of nuclear test in space ,on the earth and under water. It is against any weapon of mass destruction .A way out lies in dismantling and destroying the weapons of mass destruction and clamping a ban on production of fissile material.Moreover,in the interest of the humanity,all nations must come forward to help make the mother earth free from nuclear weapons for the sake of peaceful co existence.

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