At a time when there is no protest and agitation in Jharkhand, the auspicious Hindu festival of lights, Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is being celebrated after Corona lockdowns. 

In fact,it is celebrated all around the globe by different communities and brings a lot of excitement, joy, and prosperity. However, in Jharkhand, this Hindu festival of light is being celebrated after almost two years of Covid lockdown and its protocols.

Also, since assistant policemen who have been agitating for continuity of their jobs have ended their agitation after a couple of months at Morahabadi Maidan in Ranchi. This has brought relief to the state administration.

All across the state, the celebration is on though mildly due to umpteen Corona deaths in several families. The protocol that crackers have to be fired only for two hours 8-10 pm on Thursday, should be followed by citizens. 

As it is, Diwali holds significance for Hindus as it symbolises the victory of good over evil, light over darkness, and happiness over sorrow. It is a five-day-long festival that begins from Dhanteras and ends with Bhai Dooj.

This year, Diwali falls on Thursday, November 4, 2021. Therefore, many people have prepared for Diwali by cleaning their homes, buying new clothes, jewellery, and other appliances, decorating with Diya, flowers, and lights, making rangolis, and eating lots of delicacies.

Needless to say, one of the most significant rituals of this festival is the Lakshmi Puja. Devotees pray to the Goddess of Wealth on this day for blessing them with health, wealth, and prosperity. People also visit their families, relatives, and friends on this day to offer them gifts and sweets.

I, on behalf of all staff and journalists of JharkhandStateNews, wish all our viewers and friends a happy Diwali.

Manoj Prasad


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