The Bible tells us that of ALL things, God works for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). But in reality,we see that even people we call “good people”, based on our human standards,can have bad things happen to them.
•A tragic accident.
•The sudden loss of a great job.
•Unexpected/unfair death.
•Betrayal in a relationship.
The list could go on!
These are tough situations for anyone to go through. Some of us become angry with God for allowing bad things to happen. We feel let down by God.This feeling is real and even fully committed followers of Jesus carry these burdens.
Our Savior, Jesus Christ,understands. Before He was falsely accused,condemned, tortured and died on the cross to pay for our sin, he prayed three times that this cup would be taken from Him. (Matthew 26:36-44).Even on the cross,Jesus felt the Father had forsaken Him. My Friend, something like this may have happened in your life. You may be angry with God or blamed Him for what happened. NOW is the time to turn to God and know that He has not forsaken you. I encourage you to stand by faith on God’s promise of causing all these things to work for your good (Romans 8:28).
Your feelings against God bring separation from Him. They hinder you from following God’s path for your life, and living more like Jesus did. Repent, dear One,and ask forgiveness. And pray that everyone who hears this message ask God to turn their hearts to Him.