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A social organization, Safety Awareness for Everyone (SAFE), will organize a “Safety Mela” at Keenan Stadium in Jamshedpur on January 16.

SAFE Chairperson Ruchi Narendran said that in view of the rise in road accidents, this mela was being organized in association with different schools and Corporate Safety of Tata Steel to create awareness among the student community as well as their parents about all aspects of safety.

She said over 4,000 people including students from 70 schools will take part in the day-long mela. It will focus on different aspects of safety such as road safety, safety at home, rail safety, cyber safety, domestic safety, personal safety, self defence and disaster management and safety evacuation through stalls, nukkad nataks (street corner play), games, safety gaget walk (fashion show), posters and safety kite flying competition.

The kite flying competition will comprise of slogans by students and the best one will be felicitated, added Ruchi.

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