To say that in the life of an educated person,teacher plays a crucial role is no sermon.It is to drive home the old conviction that teacher shapes the personality of his/her students.

During the course of formal education,every student comes across a number of teachers.Among them,some teachers are forgotten,whereas others remain in the memory box forever.

The reason lies in such teachers’ traits,knowledge and conduct. The famous Sanskrit quotation states—-Guru “Sakshat Parambrahma”.This means that the teacher is the true incarnation of God. Kabir Das has said that Guru is even greater than God.

I am fortunate indeed to have a teacher who exactly fits to the above adages. When I was a student of graduation, our Pushpa madam who taught us English was an epitome of knowledge, divinity, kindness and love. I would be ever grateful to her throughout my life for the proper guidance that she always volunteered.

I recall,a debate competition was slated to be held in our college. Our teacher was writing down the names of the participants. I was not prepared to participate as I had thought that I was not fluent in speaking and this was after all a competition.At that time,aware of my apprehensions and fears, she encouraged me to take part.

In fact,she motivated me and encouraged me.She prepared me to take up the challenge.And believe me or not,when I participated in the competition,I bagged a position.

Not only that, I was selected for the State level competition and got third position in our entire state – Odisha.

Later, I was selected for the National level debate competition. My joy knew no bounds. Today, I can say that I had never dreamt of securing such a position in my life and, had my teacher not inspired me and made brick out of my straw,I would not have been a debator.I am here to salute this teacher as my heart is full of gratitude for this Guru.

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