Evenas JMM president Shibu Soren continues to hold his gun on a power sharing deal,BJP’s state unit president Dinesanand Goswami today asserted that all was well with the ruling coalition led by chief minister Arjun Munda who will continue for the full term ending in 2014.
Goswami,however,dismissed Soren’s claim of power sharing agreement.”There was no such agreement.The Arjun Munda will continue to function even after the completion of 28 months”,said the BJP leader in a press conference.
Goswami was responding to a question on Soren’s repeated claim that JMM and BJP had struck a power sharing deal envisaging rotating the post of the CM between them for a period of 28 month each.Since the first 28 month tenure of the Munda government was slated to end in January,Soren wanted Munda to quit and pave the way for the JMM to install its CM for the next 28 months.
Though Soren has not reacted to Goswami’s assertion,the Congress’s leader and Leader of the opposition RP Singh has been in touch with him.”In case the BJP-JMM coalition collapses,the Congress party will ensure that the President’s rule is not imposed in this state”,said Singh.