Till now ,the BJP leader had been voicing the concerns of the people of Hazaribagh as its Member of Parliament.Today,Yashwant Sinha raised voice for his son Jayant Sinha and who could have introduced him and made his entry into politics better.

If any body had an iota of doubt about his skills,he had to be in Ramgarh for the Hunkar(Roar) rally sponsored by the BJP led by Sinhas,chief minister Arjun Munda and the state unit president Dineshanand Goswami.

It was as if their call for a show of support reached every nook and corner of the state because hundreds of BJP workers and members surged towards Ramgarh Maidan on Friday.

But what was more than evident enough was entry of junior Sinha into politics and call to party workers to gear up for the 2014 Assembly and the Lok Sabha polls.

For the sagging morale in the ranks and file of the state unit,following JMM president Shibu Soren and his son Hemant’s blowing their own piano over their demand to transfer the post of CM after Munda completes 28 month in office on January 11,this Hunkar rally was just what the doctor would have ordered.

“In the coming elections,the agenda of the BJP would be honesty vs corruption”,said Yashwant Sinha asking people to be clear in their minds as to whether they want a committed and honest leader who work for them and raise their voice in the Parliament or the one who just talks and plays with words.

During his address,Munda reminded the audience of the President rule and installation of the government led by Independent Madhu Koda and blamed the Congress for hijacking the state for perpetrating loot of its minerals and resources.

Also,he talked about his move to declare 2013 as the year of girl child and said that the coming 2013 will be the year of the youth.”In the next five years,we will work in such a way that 25 lakh youths will get training to gain skill for acquiring jobs”,said Munda informing the audience that he had postponed his Johar Yatra which was supposed to begin from today,keeping in mind the Christmas and the festive season ahead.

Both congratulated Gujarat CM Narendra Modi for his third consequitive victory in the Assembly polls. Munda observed that the country needs new leadership in 2014 and said that in Jharkhand,the people would do  good for themselves if they voted for the BJP to get majority of its own in the forth coming polls.

In spite of a battery of senior BJP leaders,including Yashwant Sinha,Munda,Goswami and the party’s state incharge Harendra Pratap Singh,the Hunkar rally was essentially the show of the BJP workers and their power.”After a long time,the BJP had shown its might.This has re energized the entire cadre”,said an excited Mahendra Manjhi who came all the way from Hazaribagh to participate in the rally.

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