Union Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Jharkhand in-charge, Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Friday began his day by taking breakfast inside the residence of a party worker in Ormanjhi, a block in Ranchi district, located along the NH 33. 

His breakfast with BJP worker who has been the party’s ex-president at Ormanjhi block, has gained significance in the state of Jharkhand where Assembly polls are to be held in November- January 2024.

Shivraj Singh Chouhan’s nearly an hour-long talk with BJP workers and his supporters was reportedly centered around the “ strength and weakness” of the saffron party. 

After gaining information from him, Shivraj Singh Chauhan proceeded and covering nearly 22 km distance reached Ramgarh and presided over the meeting of party functionaries and workers. 

This was BJP’s first pre-Assembly polls meeting in the state. Having listened to party workers, he addressed them and appealed to them to gear up for the battle of ballots with a “ strong sense of commitment.” 

After he landed in Jharkhand where the ruling I.N.D.I.A block comprising JMM, Congress, RJD and Left parties led by Hemant Soren who took oath as CM for the third time on Wednesday, Shivraj Singh Chauhan on Thursday criticised the JMM for changing the Chief Minister for the second time in the state. 

Countering CM Hemant Soren’s statement that the saffron party was “ harassing him”, Chouhan said that the BJP neither harasses nor protects anyone, emphasizing that investigative agencies operate independently. Talking to reporters in Ranchi, he had said that becoming Chief Minister of Hemant Soren is an example of “extreme nepotism and hunger for power.” 

Earlier without naming BJP Hemant Soren had also alleged that the opposition (BJP)had jailed him by levelling false allegations.


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