Picture shows Jharkhand CM Raghubar Das addressing a public meeting on the Hool Diwas cum Garib Kalyan Mela(Poor Welfare Fair) at Sahebgunj,Jharkhand.

Jharkhand today observed the 161th anniversary of the Santal Hool across the state.

All state government offices remained closed.It was declared holiday in official record.

In fact,Santal Hool,a native rebellion by tribals -Santals-in Santhal Pargana division of Jharkhand,against both the British colonial authority and upper caste zamindari system.

The rebellion had started on June 30, 1855 and.Months later on November 10, 1855,the martial law was proclaimed.It lasted until January 3, 1856 when martial law was suspended and the movement was brutally ended by troops loyal to the British.The rebellion was led by the four tribal Brothers – Seedo, Kanhu, Chand and Bhairav.

On Thursday,Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das used the occasion to inagurate crores of ruppees worth development projects in Sahebgunj,the district where the Hool(rebellion) was centred around.

“From Saranda forest in Chaibasa to Kachhar of the river Ganga in Sahebgunj,the wave of development has started.Now no body can stop it”,said the CM while addressing a public meeting on the Hool Diwas cum Garib Kalyan Mela(Poor Welfare Fair) at Sahebgunj.

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