Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das on Thursday concluded the three- day mega medical camp on Cervical Cancer and Anemia Prevention at Barhet block in Sahebgunj district of Jharkhand.

The camp organised jointly by the Indian Medical Association’s Jharkhand Chapter’s women’s wing led by its President Dr Bharti Kashyap and Health Education and Family Welfare Department was held at the Public Health Centre at Barhet.

The CM felicitated Dr Kashyap by giving a momento for her excellent work in serving the rural patients free of cost at Barhet.Both of them-Das and Kashyap -were on the dias.

Addressing the people,Das appealed to doctors,nurses and sahias to work with a sense of devotion and provide service to humanity so that they are remembered even after they had left the post.

Das said that the pregnant woman’s food must be given top priority.”Only the healthy mother comes up with a healthy child”,observed the CM.

Delivering inaugural address,Dr Kashyap gave details about the cause and ways to prevent Cervical Cancer and Anemia.

The camp was attended among others by Kolkata based Cancer specialist Dr Tanushree Chakravarty,Civil Surgeon,Sahebgunj,Dr Arun Rai,In-charge Medical Officer,Barhet,Dr Kiran Mala,Dr Punam Kumari,Dr sarita Tudu,Dr Priti Nayan,Dr P.P.Pandey,Dr A.K.Jha,DPM,Sahebgunj,Rajiv Kumar and Chandan Kumar.


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