Jharkhand Chief Secretary Raj Bala Verma today reviewed the works of the state health Department and directed the concerned officers to tour the areas under their jurisdiction and launch campaign to promote institutional delivery of kids.
Incidentally,in the list of States of India ranked in order of percentage of children delivered in hospital,Jharkhand stands at 27 out of 29 states,according to National Family Health Survey-3(1).
Also,directing the Principal Secretary,Health Department, K.Vidyasagar,Chief Secretary Raj Bala Verma said that health camps should be organised at Kasturba Gandhi Girls’ Residential Schools in Jharkhand.
She opined that Shahiyas must be made accountable and efforts must be made to modernise the Sdar hospitals across Jharkhand.
The CS said that the health department officers should tour rural areas falling under their jurisdiction atleast for two days every week and hold talks with the Sahiyas and other staff of the health department directly so that the ground reality can be taken note of.
The CS said that Rs 550 crore was sanctioned for the development of infrastructure of the health sector in 2016-17.Toward the same end, Principal Secretary,Health Department should hold talks about the projects and their implementation with its counterpart of the Housing Construction department and take decision,the CS said.
The CS directed the PS to submit report related with Rs 200 Universal Health Insurance Coverage project to the department of parliamentary affairs department.She also directed that the health services should be improved in areas dominated by primitive tribes and complete the process of expenditure connected with purchase and distribution of Medicated Mosquito Net by end of June.