By Manoj Prasad
In the history of bureaucracy in Jharkhand,a new chapter will be added by Chief Minister Raghubar Das on Wednesday.
The day is significant for another reason.On Thursday,Chief Secretary Rajiv Gauba will go to New Delhi to serve the Government of India as its Secretary(Urban Development) and Personnel Secretary Ratan Kumar will retire from service.
Against this backdrop, the brand new building of the Jharkhand Civil Services Officers Institute(JCSOI) is slated to be inaugurated by Chief Minister Raghubar Das on March 30.
As it is,Guaba and Kumar are JCSOI’s Governing Council’s President and Secretary respectively.Although the construction work of this new building is not complete till date,its date of inauguration was decided in view of their departure.”We thought it is right time to get it launched by the honourable CM”,said a senior officer.
Notably,the new building aims to have a Gym,Lobby(Air –Condition),Kitchen,Card Room,Yoga Class room,Covention Centre,Lounge and Bar,a Multi –Cuisine Restaurant,Meeting Hall and Eight Fully Air Conditioned Suits,was built at a cost of about Rs 5 crore. .
As per the plan,JSCOI,popularly known as ‘IAS Club’,is supposed to have a sports complex with a court of Lawn Tennis,Swimming Pool and Table Tennis.Eventhough none of these exist right now,the JSCOI,registered under the Society Registration Act,1860,has a Governing Council consisting of 24 members and 207 members.
Its objective is to promote the welfare of officers of the Civil Services and to bring them together in order to secure complete integration of the services as well as to build a corps of officers imbibed with the spirit of co-operation in all aspects of Civil Services.
More,it aims to hold, organize, arrange and conduct seminars, symposiums, talks, debates, lectures and other means of dispensing education to meet the needs and challenges of modern day Civil Administration,claims JCSOI’s website-
The history of JCSOI is almost 11 years old.It lies around its 2.17 acres of land near Deendayan Nagar,Officers colony,Booty Road.It is also rooted behind its new building lying along Its old building which was the official residence of a senior engineer of the state government in early 60’s.Later,after Bihar was bifurcated and Jharkhand became a separate state in 2000,this was turned into official residence of a Minister.
In 2005,the then Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar Mandal planted a Sal tree near its old building and often moved around this empty complex with Principal Secretary Santosh Kumar Satapathy and me.That time,the entire premise looked like a ghost house,empty,really.
Soon,the then Chief Secretary R.S.Sharma,backed by Satapathy,contributed his bit by institutionalizing JCSOI.
In reality,however,it was Satapathy who not only dreamt to turn it into a premier government institution,but,apart from committedly working and serving as Principal Secretary of different Departments, worked every day in the non -office hours-morning and evening- for over ten years to make it a reality now.
As a result,this institution provides a fine set of beautiful green environment,a scene not visible anywhere in any star hotels,offices and guest houses in Jharkhand.
Proving that while he walked many extra miles to raise this government institution for the CM Raghubar Das to come,launch and dedicate it to the history of bureaucracy in Jharkhand,Satapathy had heartly ensured that its green surrounding produced what any God created life-form needs to be physically healthy and mentally wise-quality Oxygen.
In fact,this quality oxygen was freely supplied by JSCOI’s green lawn made out of 100 percent Durva(also called Doob, Karuka, Arugam or Garike)grass and scores of rarest of the rare eco friendly plants such as Chandan( Santalum),Rudraksh( Elaeocarpus),Saal(Sakhuwa-Shorea robusta) Peepal,Tunt,Alubera, Neem and Kalpavriksha.Many of these plants were brought and planted by Satapathy himself.
Also,to help its surrounding not lose any water,he used the water harvesting technology and built a pond.This pond attracts rain water from all top plots of land in the JCSOI premise.Result?
Today,this pond is not only a home for many varities of fish,but attracts many types of birds during the day and night including Owls,Parakeets,Lalmunia and Asian Koel,Jharkhand’s State Bird.
Message:Walk Extra Mile,Build Jharkhand