Jharkhand Governor Draupadi Murmu on Monday opined that the faculty and management of the Dumka based Sidhu- Kanu Murmu University must work hard to teach students sincerely and publish results in time.

She talked about Santhal Pargna’s two brothers cum freedom fighters-Sidhu and Kanu on whose name the university was made and established.

The Governor expressed the view that students should educate themselves and make themselves ready to face challenge while the management should provide them their basic needs-water,separate toilets for boys and girls.


“The conditions prevalent in hostels must be taken into consideration by the managment”,suggested the Governor.

Later,she also visited the Kasturba Gandhi Awashiya Balika Vidalaya in Dumka where its students welcomed her by offering bouquet of flowers.


1.Shows Governor Darupadi Murmu offering flowers over the statue of Sidhu and Kanu Murmu at the Sidhu -Kanu Murmu University,Dumka.

2.Shows Governor Draupadi Murmu participating in a programme of students at Kasturba Gandhi Awashiya Balika Vidalaya in Dumka

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