Picture shows the Faith in India activists holding procession to popularise Cashless transactions in Jamshedpur

At a time when some people were opposiing the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s move toward Cashless transaction,the state and the Centre were trying to promote it.

Alongside,the Faith in India,a non governmental organisation(NGO) backed and supported by women activists were working day and night to popularise cashless transaction.

The Faith in India Secretary informed that her organisation is going to launch the campaign under the slogan-Hamara Swabhiman-Cashless Hindustan in Jamshedpur.

The aim of the campaign was to popularise Cashless transaction among the people and the Chief Minister Raghubar Das is slated to be the Chief GuestThe campaign is planned to be in the form of procession,dance,music and street plays meant to display the dos and donts of the Cashless transaction.

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