Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das today observed that his government’s ‘Make Plan Scheme’ become a mass movement.”Toward this end,we have to involve all sections of people”,he said.
“No lapse will be tolerated.Punishment will be given to any body who will be responsible for the lapse”,the CM told the Deputy Commissioners through video conference and added that a team work has to be made to realise the dream to develop the state.
In fact,the CM has fixed a time frame for the state rural development department to formulate by January 17 specific details about the background of the visitor and date of his visit to the village and panchayat.During January 19-26,the meeting will be held at the village level to gather sopinion of the people and their demands to incorporate them in the annual budget 2016-17.
Alongside,the CM,MP,Minister,MLA,Chief Secretary,Principal Secretary,Secretary,Deputy Commissioner,DDC,other officers of the district and media persons are slated to hold meeting.
“In those villages where the meetings could not be held,the officers will hold meetings between January 28 and February 4.”The suggestions gathered from these meetings will be included in the forthcoming annual budget”,said the statement released by the public relations department in Jharkhand today.