*Ratan Lal’s picture shows the people displaying the country’s largest Tricolour at Morahabadi Maidan in Ranchi on Friday.

As the plan to modernise and develop Pahari Mandir in Ranchi is on,the move is also on to keep its top carry a huge national flag.

A large size national flag is planned to be unfurled on top of this temple.This laarge size national flag was displayed at Morahabadi Maidan on Friday.It was prepared with the fund made available by Ranchi Pahari Mandir Vikas Samiti.

In fact, the Indian National Flag was hoisted 2,140ft above sea level atop Ranchi Hill temple on every Indfependence and Republic day.

Historically,this Pahari Mandir was once known as ‘Phansi Tongri'(place to hang convicts by the British)during the pre independence period.Most of these convicts who were hanged by the British were freedom fighters..

In the post independent India,this became a Shiva temple.It is India’s only temple where 70-year-old tradition of hoisting the National Flag,started in the intervening night of August 14 and 15, 1947,continues.

The huge Tricolour prepared by the Samiti was to be hosted from top of the new building under construction on top of the hill..

A sevak of Pahari Baba, Sunil Kumar, popularly known as Sheru ji, said the Re[public Day function will be conducted this time with the newly built Tricolour.Under the national flag will be the place where the God Shiva will be kept.

“Always the devotees have sung the national anthem and vowed to protect the unity and integrity of the state. After the flag hoisting, sweets and chocolates were distributed.This will happen in future also,” he said.

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