On the eve of Chistmas,2015 on the august visit of the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi to Russia an agreement between the Heavy Engineering Corporation limited, Republic of India and CNIITMASH of Russian federation have signed two agreements.

The agreement was signed by Chairman cum Managing Director of HEC, Mr Avijit Ghosh and General Director of CNIITMASH Mr. Mikhailov VladimirEvgenjevich.

CNNITMASH is a company of Government of Russia Nowadays PJSC SPA CNIITMASH is a developer and a holder of steel and welding materials standard specifications for reactor vessels, steam generators, pressurizers, SAOZ accumulators, main circulating pumps, stainless steel in-vessel components and other numbers of main equipment elements including turbines and pipelines for WWER-1000 and AES-2006.

With these agreements HEC are set to develop larger size ingots for use of the shipping industry, strategic industry and energy sector. This is going to be the first time in India four centres of Excellence will be created for the industries  for students eager for higher learning in the areas of welding, forging , gear items and exclusive areas of electro slag remelting. The center of excellence can augment the research and development activities in the country in the specific areas of chosen areas.

The first agreement deals with on cooperation for the establishment of “centre of excellence”,in the following areas in HEC.

  • Program of establishing of the centre of excellence Technology of steelmaking and electrical steel slag remelting for manufacturing of parts for heavy ,energy sector including strategic , machine building.
  • Welding technologies for manufacturing of heavy, energy sector parts, strategic technology parts, and machine building .
  • Quality evaluation using non destructive technologies and destructive technologies ,quality control for manufacturing of parts for heavy , energy sector parts, strategic technology parts, and machine building .
  • Design and technologies for  the gearboxes for the heavy, energy sector, machine building and other areas.

Both the companies also signed 2nd agreement for technologies to be transferred from CNIITMASH to HEC in the following areas:-

  • Forged shafts to be used for shipping sectors
  • Forged shafts for strategic sectors
  • Casting for energy sectors
  • Ingots to be used for strategic sectors and heavy machineries.

The acquisition of these cutting edge technologies will bring HEC parallel to those companies of the world which are catering exclusively in the areas of high class metallurgical ingots and will serve the steel sector, energy sector and strategic sector a long way. It will help the country will become self sufficient in these areas for coming years,said S.Subramaniam,HEC’s DGM,HRD & PRD.

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