Picture shows Jharkhand Cm Raghubar Das inspecting NDDB's Fruit and vegetable processing Plant at Nagri in Ranchi on March 7,2017.
Jharkhand acquired a Fruit and Vegetable Processing Plant on Tuesday when its Chief Minister Raghubar Das inaugurated it.The plant is owned by Mother Diary.While addressing the audience,he claimed that the process of development has picked up momentum."In coming days,Jharkhand will figure in the top of the list of developed states in the country",said Das."No chamical will be used to process fruits and vegetables.The customers will be provided a branded product",said the CM.
As per the Plant claim,the fruits and vegetables will be cut in controlled temprature.The Plant is located at Nagri located in the outskirts of Ranchi.Speaking to investors,the CM opined that Jharkhand is the right place to invest in the context of the country.National Diary Development Board(NDDB) Chairman Dilip Rath was present on the occasion.