*Jharkhand Chief Secretary Rajbala Verma and DGP DK Pandey participating in review meeting at Mahabuag village in Maoist infested Simdega.
Jharkhand top officials have reviewed the works carried by the Jharkhand government and the Union government under 13 Focus Area Development Plan in Left Wing Extremist affected Simdega district.
Apart from Chief Secretary Rajbala Verma and DGP DK Pandey,many district and block development officers took part in the meeting."As many as 30 points were taken note of in preparing development plan in Naxal affected villages",said the CM.
These points include increasing opportunities for jobs and training youth to become self employed",she said while reviewing the development schemes planned for 15 villages at Mahabuag village in Simdega.
During the review meeting these facts were noted.One,the state government plans to develop infrastructure.Two,400 ponds to be developed for agriculture development.Three,special focus to be laid on agriculture,health and education.Four,drop out girl and boy students to be admitted at Kasturba Gandhi and Residential schools respectively.
Toward this end,122 girls and 125 boys in 15 villages were identified,said the CS.
At Mahabuag,647 unemployed youth are planned to be trained to make them become competent to gain jobs.This is planned to be done by setting up Skill Development Centre.More,1000 acres of barren land to be developed for agriculture.
In addition,approval was given to provide pension to 185 widow women and 367 old age persons.Not the least,a revolving fund linked with banks is going to be created for 250 Sakhi Mandali.
At Mahabuag,236 Sakhi Mandals were set up.The health camps are being planned to be put up in all villages,said the CS.