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In a make shift shop, Ashok Kant sold vegetables along the road side near Kutchery in Ranchi.”When it rains,we have to shut the shop’,he says.
Kant is not alone.There were scores of vendors like him who had make shift vegetable shops in Jharkhand’s capital town-Ranchi.Since they attracted buyers,road jams near their shops in Kutchery,Ratu Road,Pisca More,Lalpur were a routine.
Now,all these will be a thing of the past if the project launched by the Ranchi Municipal Corporation(RMC) takes off.The project envisages to build a two floor vegetable market near Khadgarha in Madhukam with 480 shops.
The market is planned to have toilet,drinking water and electricity connections with a parking zone.”We are very happy that a vegetable market is coming up”,said a vegetable vendor echoing the sentiments of many others who witnessed laying of foundation stone of the project jointly by RMC;s mayor Rama Khalko and Deputy mayor Ajay Nath Shahdeo on Wednesday.