In an inspiring story from Hazaribagh, a poverty-ridden farmer has managed to develop a low-cost tractor-like machine from scrap for his survival.

This tractor was built on a scrap of Chetak Bajaj scooter. It runs on petrol. After its engine is kick-started, the young farmer Kapil Dev Choudhary moves around his land ploughing it with his own made mini -tractor


Choudhary was a school drop out. He who owned a small piece of agriculture land was lacking the cash to buy either a tractor or a bull for ploughing his land for cultivation. However, since he had learned some works of a mechanic, he succeeded "My poverty inspired me to think why the scrap piece of Chetak Bajaj scooter can not be made operational. After its machine got functional,I linked it with two tires and iron made plough. That's all", laughs Choudhary.

In this monsoon season, Choudhary has used this mini -tractor for ploughing his land."Now, we have no problem in cultivating crops", he said with a sense of confidence visible on his face. Even his wife and neighbors were in cheers."We can copy his technology to plough our land", said a Bantu Kumar, a farmer who resides near Choudhary's      

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