*Representational Picture Credit/Courtesy poynter.org
While millions of people across India were celebrating the Holi festival, the people of Pakistan's cash-strapped government may face up to USD 61 million due to the deadly coronavirus outbreak.
'The virus that first emerged in China's Wuhan city in the Hubei province in December last year has spread to 97 countries and has infected 102.180 people, including 80,651 in China, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus tracker.
So far, in Pakistan, six cases of coronavirus have been reported and all have a history of travel to Iran. Three of the cases are in Karachi and three in Gilgit-Baltistan.
More, the Manila-based ADB has projected that Pakistan's economy may face USD 16 to USD 61 million losses due to the coronavirus outbreak, The Express Tribune is quoted a report published on March 6.
'In the moderate case scenario, the projected losses to be faced by Pakistan are USD 34.2 million. In the worse case scenario, the projected losses to be faced by Pakistan are USD 60.8 million", the same report said.