*Pictures shows YSS office beavers busy packing and loading relief products in vehicles inside YSS campus in Ranchi on Friday

Founded by Paramahansa  Yogdananda, Yogda Satsanga Sakha Ashram in Ranchi have set a record of sorts during COVID-19 lockdown by serving around 6,000 needy and vulnerable families.

All of them reside in the capital city of Jharkhand. In fact, assistance to these families was provided in the form of ration, cooked food, and sanitary kits. Dry rations included items like rice, dal, vegetables, spices, and oil which can support a family for a week. The dry ration kits were prepared in the ashram by sannyasis & volunteers.

Through the support of the media, many locals got to know of YSS-Ranchi Ashram's relief efforts, and public-spirited community leaders in increasing numbers contacted the ashram seeking relief for needy families in and around Ranchi. The ashram responded to these requests and reached out to the most distressed sections of the society through these volunteers. Over the past week, several hundred ration kits were distributed in Huang Hatu panchayat, Karam Toli, Siromtoli, Hindpiri, Chutia, Itki, etc. 

Vegetables grown by the Ashram were provided to the local police station in Chutia, who used them in the community kitchen to prepare Khichiri which was then distributed among thousands of needy individuals. Also, devotees of Yogoda Ashram provided cooked food to around 50 people for two months near Ranchi and Hatia station. Overall, over 20,000 kgs of foodgrains and 18,000 kgs of vegetables were distributed.

Doctors from Yogoda Satsanga Sevashram played a vital role in educating people about the need for social distancing; wearing of masks at all times; frequent hand washing etc. As part of sanitary kits over 15,000 masks and 30,000 soaps were distributed both in Ranchi & nearby villages like Jonha. A public announcement vehicle was also arranged by the Ashram to spread COVID prevention awareness in villages. 

Yogoda Satsanga Ashram would like to thank all the caring and benevolent members of the society, media & administration who helped in these relief efforts. 

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