Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren garlanded the statues of two tribal heroes - Sidhu and Kanhu - at Nilamber-Pitamber park in Ranchi today.

The Nilamber-Pitamber park is located at Morahabadi, Ranchi, the capital city of Jharkhand. Also, Soren planted a sapling of a tree inside the same park. 


The move was part of the celebration of the World Indigenous Day which is celebrated as World Adivasi Day in the state led by CM Soren, son of JMM supremo and Rajya Sabha MP Shibu Soren, who himself is Adivasi.

”We are happy that our respected CM Hemantji has planted a tree on this occasion of Adivasi Day. It conveys how deep is his commitment for the cause of environment”, said a JMM leader, echoing sentiments of his party colleagues. 

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