Coal India Ltd (CIL),  a Maharatna PSE under the Ministry of Coal and it's subsidiary organisations continue to celebrate  AzadiKaAmritMahotsav in different parts of the country with great zeal and enthusiasm by conducting a variety of programmes while also maintaining COVID Guidelines.

During Iconic events, different milestones of Coal Companies were highlighted amongst the stakeholders. The achievements of Coal Companies in the field of Energy Conservation, Eco Restoration, Sustainability, Diversification, technological advancement and digitalisation initiatives were brought out in the speeches of the CMDs of different subsidiaries and General Managers of the Areas.

Eastern Coalfield  Ltd. (ECL) has conducted a webinar in  DAV School at Nimcha, under Satgram Area on the topic: 'The relevance of Azadi (Freedom) for the youth and the future ahead' as part of  Azadika Amrit Mahotsav( AKAM). Students of classes IX and X participated in the Webinar. The young generation gave insights and shared their aspirations about freedom.

A Bicycle Rally was organized at the Jhanjhara Area of ECL on the occasion of International Youth Day under the aegis of AzadikaAmritMahotsav. Employees actively participated in the event where the team covered a distance of 5.5 km to spread the message of energy conservation.

A two-day event of Singing Competition of patriotic songs under AzadiKaAmritMahotsav was organized for employees of CIL on the premises.  In order to ensure COVID norms, a large number of participants joined virtually. The function rekindled the feeling of patriotism among the audience.

At CIL (HQ), along with a flag hoisting ceremony by the Chairman, the employees participated in singing patriotic songs. KoylaDarpan- a half-yearly Hindi Magazine – AzadikaAmritMahotsav was also released as part of this year’s Independence Day celebrations. The magazine contains varied and inspiring articles on freedom struggle, women empowerment and highlights the journey of 75 years of independent India.

Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) also celebrated 75 years of India's independence with patriotic fervour and gaiety.

Beautiful and creative tableau at Independence Day Celebration was seen at NCL from all Areas and Units. The fascinating tableaus depicted messages of AzadikaAmritMahotsav, COVID Vaccination, Developing and Progressive Nation, Khelo India, Digital India, Start-up India, cultural heritage and other thematic topics.

Banners and standees depicting AzadikaAmritMahotsav could be seen at every venue of the Celebrations. Prizes were distributed for events conducted during the AzadikaAmritMahotsav celebrations at WCL.

 A Plantation Drive was conducted at ECL along with the celebration of AzadikaAmritMahotsav. The COVID Response by the company along with the continuous increase in the percentage of employees and their families getting vaccinated by the company was also highlighted.

At Western Coalfields Ltd. (WCL), the CMD along with other senior functionaries visited Panchwati Old Age Home and spent time with the elderly who had witnessed the time of Independence,  the memories of which are still fresh in their minds.

Floral tributes were offered to the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi at J & K Area of Southeastern Coalfields Ltd (SECL). Each and every unit of SECL celebrated the day with great zeal,  maintaining  COVID protocols.

At Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Ltd( CMPDIL), Corona Warriors, Doctors and recovered patients were felicitated, patriotic songs were sung by employees, children of employees and plantation of saplings were carried out by the units.  Independence Day was celebrated under AzadikaAmritMahotsav in BirsaUchhaVidyalaya, Ranchi. The school is funded under CSR and mostly tribal students of  Kanke Road and Dam side locality study in this school.

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