It was called Declamation Contest. It was held on Sunday as a part of the ongoing Tribal Youth Exchange Programme.

​The day was Sunday when the session started with recitation of Mahatma Gandhi’s bhajan, Prabhat Pheri, Yoga and Shramadhan in the campus of the ongoing 13th Tribal Youth Exchange Programme under the supervision of senior trainer Mr. Shrikant Nirala.

​Mr. Ravi Kumar Mishra, District Youth Officer, Dhanbad gave a detailed powerpoint presentation to the participants on the flagship schemes of the Government of India followed by the talk by the expert trainer of Jharkhand State Mr. SuvendruSingha on PMAY-G & Bhimrao Ambedkar Awas Yojana, the prestigious housing scheme under implementation by Jharkhand State Government.

​Twenty youth took part in the Declamation Contest on Patriotism and Nation Building “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas” under the supervision of NYKS Deputy Director Mrs. Lalita Kumari. Ms. AnjaleeKumari, Mr. Gaurav Kumar, Ms. Mona Prerna Surin, District Youth Officer of Jamshedpur, Bokaro and Gumla respectively acted as judges for the competition. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners will be awarded with cash awards of Rs.5000/-, Rs.3000/-, Rs.2000/- besides consolation prizes for two youth being Rs.1000/- each during a valedictory function on 24th December.

​NYKS State Director Mr. Vijay Kumar informed that the Tribal Camp participants would visit CRPF Campus in Sembo, Ranchi on 20th December wherein the participants will get exposure to safety and security measures in CRPF besides self-defense classes for women.  

Ritashree Banquet Hall where the tribal camp is being organized wore a festive look with Cultural Programmes staged by the participants of Vishakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh State), Kalahandi, Malkangiri and Kandhamal districts (Odisha State) in the evening. 

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