Believe it or not, these details are noteworthy.

*Blockchain to ensure transparent and quality seed supply

*Jharkhand becomes the first state in the country to use the blockchain system

*As compared to last year 4 times increase in the demand for seeds by the registered farmers

Seed is one of the most important elements for the livelihood of farming communities. Under the Seed Exchange and Distribution Program scheme, the seeds of Kharif crops are being made available to the farmers on 50 percent subsidy from May 11, 2022. 

For the first time in the history of Jharkhand, the process of seed distribution among the farmers has been initiated well ahead of time. By the instructions of the Hon'ble Chief Minister Shri Hemant Soren, the Directorate of Agriculture is distributing seeds to the farmers through a blockchain based seed traceability platform. 

Through this system, timely availability and quality of seeds is being ensured to the farmers. Due to timely availability of seeds, the demand for seeds from farmers has registered an increase of almost 4 times as compared to last year. The demand for 38,640 quintal seeds of paddy, arrhar, ragi, groundnut, maize, urad and moong has been met for the first time till May 2022. 

The total seed distributed in the Kharif season registered an increase of 75% with an increase in the production of coarse cereals and pulses by 9 and 2 percent respectively. Due to the empanelment of the new government seed agency, the seed prices have come down by 4 to 16 percent as compared to the previous year. 

To bring prosperity to the farmers, the budgetary allocation in the current financial year has been almost doubled from the previous year. To extend support to the farmers, the government has allocated Rs 40 crore.

Jharkhand becomes the first state in the country to distribute seeds through the block chain system.

In the Kharif season, in just one month, 101065 farmers have been registered in the Blockchain based seed traceability platform. Also a total of 123 Farmer Producer Organisations ( FPOs) have been registered. The registration process is still in progress. Through this system, along with seeds, the benefits of other government agriculture schemes of the Directorate of Agriculture will also be provided to the registered farmers and FPOs. Receiving the benefit of the government schemes, an OTP will be sent to the registered mobile of the farmers, through which the distribution shall be confirmed.

This system is being employed to issue supply orders from the Directorate of Agriculture and District Agriculture Officer for seed distribution and to trace the supply of seeds from seed producing agencies to the godowns. This will enable timely supply of seeds to testing laboratories, distributors, retailers and most importantly, the farmers. The objective of implementing blockchain is to bring about transparency and authenticity in the distribution of benefits of the schemes. 

In the seed distribution process, this tracking system will provide transparent information about the seed purchase, seed type, warehouse, details of suppliers, seed supply, stock, selection of godowns, vehicle carrying seeds and weight, among other information. Along with this, the empaneled seed supplier under this system will be able to track the movement of seeds including details of the supply order received, receipt issued by the warehouse, status of supply by various unique identifiers including QR codes.

Tracking system shall be put to work- Feedbacks shall be recorded

Through the Blockchain based seed traceability platform, seed distribution centers like LAMPS, PACS, Block, Panchayat etc will be able to share their experience with the system through the learning centre as well be able to connect with the farmers’ system to interact with the competent authority. 

This system will ensure timely dissemination of information and quality maintenance of the supply chain of seeds, access and quality of seeds to farmers which will help in providing more robust infrastructure towards seed distribution programs in the state in the times to come. Also, this system shall create a database which will map each farmer to the benefits and the schemes that they have availed.

Jharkhand is the first state in the country to use the block chain system to measure the progress and implementation of government schemes. This will play a crucial role in the transparent execution of schemes. There will be a crackdown on middle men. It is the utmost priority of this Government to make quality seeds available to the farmers at the right time.

( This text and contents - data - provided by Nisha Oraon, Director, Agriculture, Jharkhand.)

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