At the Rashtrapati Bhawan in New Delhi, a new chapter in its history is being added with newly-elected President of India who hails from the tribal community and was a Jharkhand Governor, Droupadi Murmu will take oath at the top constitutional position today.

Her swearing-in ceremony is slated to take place inside the Central Hall of the Parliament.As per the schedule,Murmu will be accompanied by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla to the Central Hall for the oath ceremony. 

Then, first Adivasi and second woman President of the country will start residing in the Rashtrapati Bhawan.The beginning of this page in the files of the Rashtrapati Bhawan is a subject of pride and praise among all sections of the diverse society of India.

As per the schedule,once she reaches there, the National Anthem will be played and Chief Justice of India NV Ramana will administer her the oath of the office today.

The former Jharkhand Governor Droupadi Murmu  marked a historic victory over Opposition’s presidential candidate Yashwant Sinha in the president polls on July 22. With this, she became the first Adivasi( indegenous) woman candidate and second woman in the country to occupy the highest constitutional position of India.


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