A cracker bursted by a wedding party burnt shops resulting in loss of lakhs of rupees worth products of their owners.The fire was doused by fire fighters.

The incident took place in Sector 6 police station area in Bokaro last night.After they received information about this fire, fire fighters reached the spot and doused the flames.

However, the wedding party men responsible for bursting crackers resulting in sparks flying, blowing and falling in these shops to cause the fire burning two shops and a hut remain beyond the reach of the law enforcing agency.

“ My shop with bags of cotton and blankets was reduced to ashes. I lost these products worth Rs 5-6 lakh”, cribbed the shop keeper echoing the sentiments of owners of the hut and a kiosk.

Reports quoting eye witness said that the wedding party men had bursted crackers causing fire last night at around 1.30 am. The shop owners were demanding compensation from the district administration. 

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