With over 4 crore digital health records linked to the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) accounts of individuals, the scheme has crossed a record.

Investigations revealed that more than 29 crore citizens have generated their unique Ayushman Bharat Health Accounts (ABHA)in the country so far.

With their health records linked to their ABHA accounts digitally, citizens can now access and manage these records as per convenience.This enables citizens to create a comprehensive medical history across various healthcare providers and thereby improving clinical decision-making. 

Further, the citizens can also share relevant health records with ABDM registered healthcare providers digitally.

Elaborating on ABDM’s role in digitizing health records, Dr. R. S. Sharma, CEO, NHA said – “As the implementing agency for ABDM, National Health Authority is working closely with different stakeholders to ensure that the benefits of digital health services can be availed by more citizens. We’re planning to launch an incentive scheme for health facilities such as hospitals, clinics, diagnostic labs etc. to further promote digitization of health records. We’re also encouraging different health locker applications to integrate with ABDM so that citizens get more choice for storing and managing their digital records.”

Adding further he said – “With continuous focus on digitization of health records, we aim to achieve paperless medical consultations and thereby more accuracy in each transaction between the patient and healthcare service provider.”

This digital linking of individual’s health records with ABHA is being carried out extensively across different health facilities of the country with the support of State Governments. 

The leading contributors to ABHA-linked health records include Government of Andhra Pradesh, Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY, Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) scheme under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, eHospital and CoWin among others.


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