Many media platforms may have looked the other way. is promoted to highlight this fact. All 23 Indian seafarers onboard vessel ADVANTAGE SWEET (Marshall Island Flag), which was seized in the Gulf of Oman, have now been safely repatriated to India from Iran.

Investigations revealed that this was a result of continuous efforts and joint coordinated measures taken by the Ministry of External Affairs, the Embassy of India in Iran, and the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, and the support of the Iranian Government.

After the safe return of the crew members Shri Sarbananda Sonowal, Union Minister, MoPSW said, 

‘The Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways is dedicated to safeguarding the welfare and rights of our Indian national seafarers, especially when their lives and liberty are at stake, in the upcoming future also, whenever required. This rescue operation has exemplified the dedication and commitment of Government agencies as well’.

must read