Inquiry revealed that the Loco pilot saved lives of many passengers by putting sudden break of the Delhi -bound train though two of them died in Koderma district in Jharkhand. 

Both passengers died on Saturday following a “jolt” caused by “ sudden break” used by the pilot, investigations revealed. 

For the loco pilot putting quick break was necessary as he had decided to stop the train after he found an over head electric wire snapped in Koderma district. 

The accident had occurred near Parsabad between Gomoh and Koderma railway stations at 12.05 pm on Saturday as the driver of Puri-New Delhi Purushottam Express applied the emergency brake to stop the train after the overhead electric wire fell on it.

"As electric supply stopped all of a sudden, emergency brake was applied to stop the train, and two persons died due to jerk," Senior Divisional Commerce Manager of Dhanbad Railway Division Ameresh Kumar is on record having said. The train was running at a speed of 130 kmph when the accident occurred. 

 Train movement on the grand chord line under the Dhanbad Railway Division of ECR resumed after over four hours of halt following the accident in the Koderma-Gomoh section, he said. 

The Purushottam Express was brought to Gomoh by a diesel engine from the accident spot and sent to Delhi by an electric engine. After getting information, Dhanbad Railway Division Manager KK Sinha along with senior officials reached the spot.

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