The Central Bureau of Investigation has arrested a Dy. CMM (IRSS-2012) of East Central Railway, Hazipur (Bihar); a private person and a peon in a bribery of Rs.2 lakh. 

A case was registered against a Dy. CMM, East Central Railway, Hazipur (Bihar) and others including private persons /representative of private companies, a peon etc. on the allegations that the accused were in the habit of collecting illegal gratification from the contractors of East Central Railway (ECR) in exchange for awarding tenders in their favour. 

It was further alleged that the bribe money was being paid through a chain of connected persons /firms on behalf of a private company based at Tamil Nadu which had been allegedly favoured in tender process. CBI laid a trap and caught the Dy. 

Chief Material Manager, ECR, Hajipur Bihar, while accepting undue advantage of Rs.2 lakh through a peon. 

Searches were conducted on 08 different places of Bihar, Jharkhand, Maharastra, Tamil Nadu & Punjab which led to recovery of various incriminating documents, mobile phones. The arrested accused were produced before the Competent Court and were sent to Judicial Custody. 


must read