*Trees Growing For City Project in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, Thanks to Grow-Trees.com

The 'Trees For City' project, helmed by Grow-Trees.com, has begun to yield results. It is visible in a huge part of Jamshedpur.

It is here where nearly 12,000 saplings were planted on nearly ten acres of land. These saplings are now growing around the outskirts of the industrial city of Jamshedpur. 

The air quality monitoring conducted by IQAir in Jamshedpur on  March 13, 2024 ,indicated that the PM2.5 concentration was prevalent, approximately 12.8 times higher than the WHO annual air quality guideline value. 

While environmentalists advocate for the implementation of Online Continuous Emission/Effluent Monitoring Systems (OCEMS) in industrial premises along with Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations (CAAQMS), it is imperative to explore alternative approach to improve air quality. 

Research has shown that one of the most effective strategies to counter air pollution in industrial city is this. Spread greenery by undertaking tree plantation because trees absorb carbon emissions and release oxygen. 

No wonder why tree planting projects such as 'Trees For City' are gaining increased relevance, especially  in industrial cities. Initiated by the social enterprise Grow-Trees.com, this project was implemented in the form of planting trees near the urban landscape of Jamshedpur.

In effect, it increased green cover across nearly 10 acres of land. A total of 12,000 trees were planted under this initiative. Each tree, upon maturity, will absorb approximately 20 kg of CO2 per year.

“Urbanisation and extensive deforestation have led to significant loss of greenery in cities, adversely impacting weather patterns. As air pollution levels soar and land degradation accelerates, reforestation has become indispensable for ecosystem preservation in industrial cities,” says environmentalist and co-founder of Grow-Trees.com, Pradip Shah. 

Under the 'Trees For City' project, 5519 trees are supported by individuals or corporate sponsors, and more support is awaited for the expansion of the plantation initiative. 

Grow-Trees.com allows individuals and companies to participate in afforestation projects with just a few clicks on their website. The organization also encourages the green practice of gifting a personalised tree to loved ones along with an eTreeCertificate®️ for just Rs. 150 per tree. 

Regarding the plantation project in Jamshedpur, the species planted include Sheesham (Dalbergia sissoo), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Karanj (Millettia pinnata), Peepal (Ficus religiosa), and Acacia (Acacia auriculiformis). 

These trees, upon maturity, will also enhance the habitat for indigenous wildlife species. Furthermore, the project has aided local communities by offering labour opportunities through the plantation process and pit digging and will continue to provide job opportunities by encouraging them to nurture the planted saplings.


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