“Cyber agents in China and Hong Kong are building an Indian network to access account details of Indian citizens.”
This was disclosed by Farahdur Rehman to the Jharkhand Cyber Crime Police, along with CID during interrogations, after he was arrested in Assam on Saturday.
Farahdur Rehman was arrested on charges of his alleged involvement in Chinese cyber crime, it is learnt.
Rehman was working as an Indian agent for Chinese cyber criminals.He was also known as Tanjim, who had been in contact with Chinese cyber criminals for the last five years.
Rehman disclosed to the Cyber Crime Branch that cyber criminals in China and Hong Kong are building an Indian network to access account details of Indian citizens.
He provided these criminals with bank account details, Aadhaar card information, and other personal data. Rehman helped Chinese cyber criminals in defrauding an NRI woman from Ranchi living in the US of Rs 29 lakh under the guise of business.
The Cyber Crime Branch previously arrested Ravi Shankar Dwivedi and Virendra from Haryana in connection with this case.
The CID revealed that Chinese firms trained Rehman via video calls. Rehman followed their instructions to execute fraud, supplying confidential information and receiving a commission for the fraudulent activities.
Rehman has been jailed in Assam and will be questioned further for dismantling the criminal network. The CID plans to take him on remand for additional investigation.
The police's direct raids in Jamtara prompted cyber criminals to operate from neighbouring countries like Nepal and Bangladesh, changing their tactics to evade local law enforcement.
*Inputs from India today.in