Investigations into the NEET paper leak case has intensified with the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Wednesday reaching the Oasis School in Hazaribagh, Jharkhand.
TV ABP News has reported that a CBI team conducted a raid at this school principal Dr. Ahsanul Haq’s residence amid suspicions that the paper may have been leaked from this centre.
As it is,the investigation has now been been completely taken over by the CBI. Alongside, Bihar's Economic Offence Unit (EOU )team is also actively involved at their level.
Earlier, the EOU team had reached Jharkhand, where the threads of the paper leak are connected.
The EOU team reportedly discussed the matter with Dr. Ahsanul Haq, the principal of Oasis School in Hazaribagh and the district coordinator for the NEET exam.
ABP TV news writes :”Following this, Dr. Ahsanul Haq, in a conversation with ABP News, revealed what exactly the EOU team asked him. He said that the EOU team came from Patna and asked him why the digital lock of the trunk containing the question papers was broken.”
The same TV channel quotes Ahsanul Haq saying, "The NEET exam was scheduled from 2 PM and the digital lock was supposed to open automatically at 1:15 PM, which it usually does.”
“However, it did not beep or open on its own at any center. We waited for a while, thinking it might beep and open on its own after some delay, but it did not. Shortly after, we informed the NTA about this. Then the NTA said that the digital lock had failed."
"NTA told us to cut the digital lock of the trunk containing the question papers with the same hexa blade used to cut the normal lock. On the day of the NEET exam, I and many district coordinators from several districts were connected online with the NTA.”
Almost all district coordinators complained to the NTA that the digital lock was not opening. The NEET exam was held at five centers in Hazaribagh.
“The digital lock was not opening at all five centers. The digital lock was cut with a hexa blade at all five centers in Hazaribagh. They talked to their NTA senior director Sadhana Parasur,"
Adding that the paper was not leaked from Oasis School, he said, "The question paper did not leak from my center. We followed all SOPs. The question paper was opened in front of those who should have seen it as per the rules, including NEET candidates. The NTA also monitors through cameras. I arrived at the center for the exam at around 7:30 AM."