With the Tourist Information Centre(TIC) installed by Jharkhand Tourism Dept at Deoghar,Shiva devotees have an official source of information connected with the Shravani Mela 2016 in the state.

Records show that more than 27,000 Kanwarias had visited 7 TICs set up in Deoghar till July 26,2016.”This is a record of sorts”,said a staff at TIC in Deoghar.

With no complaint registered so far,the Kanwarias seem to be satisfied with the facility provided by it in connection with hotel bookings, bus services and tours to different tourist destinations with route map and so on provided by TICs free of cost.

Jharkhand Minister, Tourism, Art and Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, Amar Kumar Bauri said that Jharkhand is a beautiful tourist destination and is endowed with natural beauty in terms of hilly terrains, forest and religious sites.

“Jharkhand houses several magnificently-built places of worship and spiritual spaces’,said Bauri.

In fact,Deoghar,the sprawling complex that has 22 temples and one of the 12 jyotirlingam in India,is thronged by lakhs of tourists every year.Most of them come to pay obeisance to Baba Baidyanath’s shrine.

“This year we have made 11 TICs for the convenience of tourists. Their safety is our priority”,said the Minister adding that greeting and welcoming the Kanwariyas to Babadham was part of the Hindu tradition of ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’.

Approx 5 lakh pilgrims had offered Jal to Baba Baidyanath so far.The district administration is maintaining law and order and have their eyes on smooth movement of pilgrims in and around the temple premises.

In any case,the district administration seems to be involved in crowd management.In all,six ‘Jalarpan’ counters were put up outside the Shiva temple.To keep a watch on the movement and maintain law and order,CCTV cameras were installed across the temple complex.

*Picture shows Tourism Information Centre set up to provide information to tourists in Deoghar.


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