The studies shows, that the hormon Estrogen is one of the most important for the girls to have sexy lips. The Estrogen also makes the girls to be very attractive. Lets see the most sexiest lips in the World::
#10 Nina Moric – the ex miss…
Similar to this title,the world’s leading journal Science Daily has reported that “newborns are much more attuned to the sounds of their native language than first thought. In fact, these linguistic whizzes can up pick on distinctive sounds…
Birds experience almost the same emotions as humans do when they listen to music.
This is the conclusion of research on white-throated sparrows, published in Frontiers of Evolutionary Neuroscience.”We found that the same…
This research article in the Science Daily has been making waves in the circle of scientists across the globe.It says that Bats are amazing creatures who may hold clues to long life and disease resistence.
In fact,this creature has been around…
Birds chirp when they mate.Tigers grown when they are desperate for sex.What the Humpback whales do when they hunt for food and female partners.They sing,according to a study published in PLos ONE on December 19.
The excerpts of this study…
A guy is reported to be recovering from bleeding and pain after he broke his four letter life producing organ.
Reports on him are many saying Ray Elbe,a mixed martial artist(MMA),was admitted at the hospital after breaking his penis.
The Apple I Phone 5.Such has been the craze for this phone in Communist China that the people were vying with each other to have it.
Ahead of all of them appeared to be a woman from Xiamen who were reportedly selling hugs on the streets to…
“A good listener and an understanding partner are right at the top of a woman’s list of must-have qualities in a partner/man. A recent scientific study conducted by a team of researchers from John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health…
For the first time,evidences of cheese making found in potsherds from Poland can throw light on how milk was used to determine genetics in Europe.
“Cheese evolved after the development of diary farming,which helped people take advantage…
1. Respect of three persons
2. Always keep with(saathrakho)
3. Fight for three things