They have one thing in common.They are under 40 years of age and were billionaires.In fact,out of the world’s 1,426 billionaires in the Forbes list,29 people were under 40 years old.

These 29 young billionaires have a total of $119 billion, according to Forbes. “While ten of them have built their fortunes from the technology sector, four are from social networking giant Facebook. There are 5 newcomers in this list”,says a byline report of Lucy Westcott in

“When Nick D’Aloisio got his first Mac at age nine, little did he know that eight years later he’d be one of the world’s youngest self-made millionaires”,writes Westcott.

Now much younger than D’Aloisio is 6-year-old girl who has become a millionaire.”At the tender age of six, Isabella Barrett is a millionaire, who has already developed a taste for the finer things in life”,states ANI report from London.

But how did this kid become so rich?” Two years ago, when she was just four, mum Susanna, 39, discovered her youngest daughter’s potential after entering her in her first beauty pageant.Before they knew it she was winning every competition and had been picked to appear on Toddlers and Tiaras.Now she owns her own business and already has enough money in the bank to secure her future”,states the same report.

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