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Mobile users are not satisfied with the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)’s decision to reduce national roaming calls from July 1.Most of them seem to say that its reformed tariffs are too little too late.

This is simply because they were expecting TRAI to make the national roaming call free.Since this did not happen,they were unhappy.”This is highly disappointing at a time when inflation was robbing middle class consumers like me”,said Diana Singh,a Bank Manager.

In 2007,TRAI had prescribed ceiling tariffs at Rs 1.40 per minute for outgoing call and Rs 2.40 per minute for outgoing STD calls while on national roaming.

Now these ceilings have been slashed to Re 1 per minute and Rs 1.50 per minute respectively.Even the ceiling tariffs for incoming calls while on roaming have been reduced from Rs 1.75 per minute to 0.75 per minute.

So is not the case with outgoing SMS on national roaming.In fact,the outgoing SMS-local is put at Re 1 per SMS and outgoing SMS-STD at Rs 1.50 per SMS.”In its munificence,TRAI has kept incoming SMS free of cost.This is hardly any relief as it maintains the status quo while jacking up the rates of SMS”,cribs another mobile user.


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