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A revolution in dry cleaners’ business is in the offing if the plan of a dry cleaner in the USA takes off.

ANI today carried a story saying “a Pennsylvania dry cleaner is planning to utilise the services of a drone to deliver clothes to customers.”

The ANI story based on Huffington Post’s report informs that Manayunk Cleaners’ owner, Harry Vartanian, tired of the “old school” method of dry cleaning pick-up, turned a four-bladed DJI Phantom quadracopter into a delivery machine to bring dry cleaning directly to the customer’s front door.

“He told The Huffington Post that he would be holding a lottery at every month end and the lucky winner will get their dry cleaning delivered by the drone”,said the ANI report adding that “Vartanian’s drone is capable of carrying 1-2 pounds over a short distance, but said that his future plans include an advanced model, which is capable of carrying loads up to 10 pounds.”

Indeed,if his plan takes off,it can bring about a sea change in the business of dry cleaners across the world.


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