Picture by Ratan Lal shows Moni Praveen talking to Jharkhand CM Raghubar Das inside his official residence in Ranchi on the 69th Independence Day 2015

Jharkhand is yet to forget the great work done by a girl.She is Moni Parveen who did what the police could not.

On July 24,2015,men and women who pick up garbage,found the dead body of a girl child inside the Harmu river in Ranchi.After receiving information,the police reached the spot.But due to unavailability of a sweeper,the police was unable to take out the body from the river.

“Hundreds of people were present there.None of them made any attempt to help the police remove the body.They were all watching”,recalls Sunil Kumar,a resident of Harmu locality.

Against this backdrop,Praveen picked up a basket,went inside the river,picked up the body,came out of it with it and handed over the body to the police.In response,the police offered Rs 200 to her.But Praveen declined to accept the money saying that she does not require the money.

“I don’t need it.I did not do any job for money.It was my duty”,she told the police.

On the 69th Independence day,some activists made her meet the Chief Minister Raghubar Das who appreciated her work..”Service to humanity is the biggest religion.It helps the humans learn and understand the significance of life”,said Das.

Das has ordered that Praveen should be awarded and handed over a cash sum of Rs 5000 for doing commendable work.This time,Praveen decided to accept the award and return home with a sense of pride visible on her face.

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