The studies shows, that the hormon Estrogen is one of the most important for the girls to have sexy lips. The Estrogen also makes the girls to be very attractive. Lets see the most sexiest lips in the World::

#10 Nina Moric – the ex miss Croatia have one of the most beautiful lips.

#9 Jessica Alba – She have one of the hottests lips in the world.

#8 Eva Mendes: the hot latino diva quickly become one of the most wanted woman.

#7 Christina Aguilera: The singer don’t have astonish voice, but have very sexy lips.

#6 Scarlett Johansson: The words are useless. She is goddess.

#5 Rachel Bilson: The cute girl from the Orange County is really beautiful and her lips are very sweet.

#4 Rihanna- She is talented and sexy.

#3 Jessica Biel- The American actress have charm, she is provocative and her lips are wonderful.

#2 Megan Fox: She is freshly married but also she have very beautiful lips.

#1 Angelina Jolie – And Angelina is the proud winner. You will agree with me, that Angelina Jolie is one of the most wanted girls in the world.

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