Doctors of at least 10  hospitals went on a strike from 10 am to 4 pm on Wednesday, protesting against the lack of security arrangements for themselves and in hospitals. The strike also brought patient services to a standstill.

Under the state unit of the Indian Medical Association( IMA) in Jharkhand, doctors have threatened to go on an indefinite strike if their demands are not met.

Their prime demand is the adoption of the Medical Protection Act in the state.” If this Act is in force in other states, why it is not drafted and executed in Jharkhand. We demand its adoption and enforcement as soon as possible”, said Dr RS Das, a veteran surgeon and member of IMA echoing the sentiments of doctors who were on strike.

After a dozen incidents of violence and misconduct of the state government authorities during the past few months, their another colleague Orthopedician Dr Anchal Kumar suffered from a murderous attack on Monday. Dr Anchal Kumar is undergoing treatment as he somehow survived.

The police have not even identified miscreants. In a state of anger and fear, members of the state unit of IMA unanimously decided to proceed on strike beginning today. Instead of treating patients, they were sitting on dharna demanding security to their life and property.

Due to their strike, medical services at several hospitals including Seva Sadan, RIMs and CCL hospital in Gandhinagar, Ranchi had come to halt. Even though they continued to provide emergency services, many patients suffered from untold miseries.

The state government led by Chief Minister Hemant Soren has not shown any inclination to address their genuine grievance of security. Sadly, their demand of the Medical Protection Act has not been met despite their umpteen discussions, debates and protests.

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