The world’s most trusted science journal-Science Daily-has come up with an article- “Long Menopause Allows Killer Whales to Care for Adult Sons”-in its September 13 edition,providing answer to why female whales have the longest menopause…
Plants grow with nutrients and anchorage provided by soil.But these nutrients and anchorage can be substituted to create a medium for the plants to thrive in its absence.This hypothesis was tested by Francis Bacon more than four centuries ago.In his…
Once upon a time,Leonardo da Vinci’s “Codex on the Flight of Birds”had depicted a man gliding through the air with bat-like wings.This has become the latest piece of invention in avionics,threatening parachute to become a history.The…
A study shows that nutritional composition of Hilsa,a premium price and highly sought after fish,under goes change during migration from one water to another water.The study –Changes in the nutritional profile of Hilsa Shad,Tenualosa(Hamilton,1822)…
Figure out your blessings.Recall the several things,small and big,you’re grateful for.Once you do this you will bring cheers in your life.
No joke,new research shows that people keeping a gratitude diary sleep better and have more good…
Nutritionists have historically lumped coconut oil into the same category as cream, butter, and lard—namely, “off-limits”—because it consists largely of saturated fat, the kind linked to a higher risk of heart disease.
…Every body knows that Tsunami can cause disaster.So much so that many defective devises developed to detect it in advance were in use causing false warnings.Now a team led by Philippe Lognonne of the Institute de Physique du Globe in Paris showed…
With more people around the world gradually turning towards e-books; and as Kindles,iPads,Nooks and PCs are becoming the latest reading platforms, authors signing e-books on a large scale is an event that is a stone’s throw away in a broad technological…
You like it or not,snakes do what no other known living species can.
In fact,rattle snakes found in the USA, are known to preserve sperm in their womb for years to impregnate themselves later.
This was established by an American researcher.Records…
With e-books becoming the latest trend in publication business, there has been a paradigm shift towards spreading the written word.In fact,this shift had left the humble pen to rest and goaded the finger to compose the word.In turn,this had left the…