Dung beetles move watching stars

Dung beetles move watching stars


Believe it or not there is a species in South Africa who use the “Milky Way”to navigate.

These South African species called ‘Dung Beetle’ are the only known animal that look towards the stars across the night sky for…

Eye can be created,claims a study

Eye can be created,claims a study


K. S. Jayaraman in Nature.com writes:

“In an animal study that may someday help treat blindness, researchers in India have shown that a complete eye with lens, retina and other parts can be created from the ocular tissue.

Om Prakash…

Boost Children’s IQ by parental behavior,diet

Boost Children’s IQ by parental behavior,diet


How can you boost the Intelligence Quotient(IQ) of your children?

“Supplementing children’s diets with fish oil, enrolling them in quality preschool, and engaging them in interactive reading all turn out to be effective ways to…

New Martian meteorite is one of a kind

New Martian meteorite is one of a kind


This story by Tanya Lewis is an eye opener for any body who wants to know about the NASA’s Mars Mission and its achievement.

It is slated to be published in ScienceNews.org’s print edition on January 26,2013.

A recently found…

Bonobos share food with strangers before acquaintances

Bonobos share food with strangers before acquaintances


The Science Daily has come up with yet another seminal research on behavioural pattern of the Congo’s apes called Bonobos.

The story raises a question –what will you do when you stand in line somewhere and decide to open a pack…

Let crying babies sleep on their own

Let crying babies sleep on their own


A common problem faced by mothers of new borns is how to treat their babies who wake up at night and cry.The answer is a big No,if the Science Daily story is to be believed.

In an article published under the title- Let Crying Babes Lie: Study…

10 Biggest Scientific achievements of 2012

10 Biggest Scientific achievements of 2012


The discovery of the Higgs Boson has been named as the greatest discovery in the field of Science in 2012 according to the journal, SCIENCE.

The other major advancements for the year are:

In Germany, scientists have unearthed the sequence…

Deriving Bio-electricity from Leaves

Deriving Bio-electricity from Leaves


Our dependence on fossil fuels has severe long term consequences. One of the ways to reduce this dependence on fossil fuels is to move over to non conventional energy sources and create fuel producing artificial systems that are both cost-effective…

Closely –related birds don’t co exist

Closely –related birds don’t co exist


The sex between blood relatives is prohibited because the offspring is likely to suffer from genetic disorder.Even closely- related bird species do not co exist in the same region because they can not compete with each other.

“A study…

NASA plans Space Taxi system

NASA plans Space Taxi system


The monopoly of Russia to fly astronauts to the orbit of the space is set to end.Already NASA hitherto dependent on Russia,has sponsored three companies and entered into agreement with them to have its own space transportation system.
